“Final Fantasy VIII”: Winhill~(Bibury, England)

Every time I see a little European village, I always look to see if there’s some resemblance to Winhill–which is pretty hard, but one can only hope! The hardest thing about it is the cool town centre where the houses suddenly become German-looking.

HOWEVER! I saw one picture of the Gloucester village Bibury and immediately thought of the town beyond the bridge!

I’ll just go to posting pictures now:

Here’s Winhill:


Bibury is actually prettier in this case (usually animation has more color):


Also, the sad lonely areas:



(credit to some British tour guide named Rob, but actually his photos are pretty awesome XD

his site: http://letstourengland.com/)

Bibury doesn’t quite have the same bridge:


(heh heh knowing Kiros, it’ll be a very snarky question! I love those two haha Also, is Laguna anyone else’s favorite character? Because he is definitely mine!)

Anyway, Bibury has its own lovely bridge!


(credit to Justin Albrecht)

Lastly, even though Bibury doesn’t have that cool town square, maybe you could google Bibury Court Hotel and see for yourself if they resemble each other (I was debating about it).

That’s all I have about Bibury and Winhill, so…

Ciao for now~~